We recently ported our SBBIC Khmer keyboard to Mac. We added a colon symbol (“:” with right ALT+L or OPTION+L on Mac) as well as a dash (“-” with right ALT+D or OPTION +D on Mac). The keyboard is based on the Khmer OS and NiDA keyboard.

1. Unzip the keyboard layout by either simply double clicking the zipped file or by using other software like StuffIt. Safari unzips automatically.
2. The keyboard will either have the extension .keylayout
3. In the Finder, choose Go > Computer or type Shift-Command-C. This opens up your account folder.
4. Expand the Macintosh HD item, then the Library item, scroll down to find Keyboard layouts.
5. Drag the keyboard layout you saved earlier into the Keyboard layouts list.
6. Log off the computer or restart it.
7. Open System Preferences > Language and Text. Click the Input Sources tab. Scroll down until you find Khmer SBBIC V2. Make sure the checkbox is selected. The layout is now ready to use.
8. To access the key layout, click on the flag at the top of your screen at the right hand corner, Select the keyboard layout from the list. Or type Command-Space to scroll through your language options.
9. The keyboard will be listed as Khmer SBBIC V2.
10. If you cannot find a letter, click on the flag at the top of your screen at the right hand corner, Select Show Keyboard Viewer


Download “SBBIC Keyboard for Mac OS X” Khmer-SBBIC-Keyboard-for-Mac-OS-X-V21.zip – Downloaded 56326 times – 52.65 KB

45 Comments. Leave new

  • I still can’t use event I see the icon on my bar.
    When I follow from step 1 to 8 ok but for step 9 it show the Khmer SBBIC v2 but the icon is disable to click.
    Could you please check why that happened.
    I am using MacBook Pro 15″ OS: Lion

  • Thumb Up for the effort!

  • អគុណណាស់​​ ខ្ញុំពិបាកប្រើប្រាស់យូនីកូដបួនឆ្នាំហើយជាមួយMac​​ ពីពេលនេះពិតជាងាយស្រូលជាងមុនក្នុងការសរសេភាសារខ្មែរ។​សូមកោតសរសើរនឹងលើកទឹកចិត្ត​នូវរាល់ការប្រឺងប្រែងរបស់លោក​ លោកស្រី។

  • ខ្ញុំបាទសុំសួរថា តើធ្វើម៉េចទើបអាច​សរសេរពាក្យ «បន្សាំុ» ដោយគ្មានបញ្ហាដូចនេះនៅក្នុង Mac?

  • link not found please update

  • Hello, Nathan
    When I download keyboard for Unicode it come up with error!
    Please fix it.

  • how it work with excel

  • hello, I can’t use khmer unicode in Excel. Do you know how to fix?

  • Hello Sir, I am first experience to use this Keyboard on My mac and I wonder that It cannot be switched to English font with Caps Lock. I used to Switch it automatically in Mac with Cabs Lock. Would you mind telling me how to do this?

  • I have OSX 10.12 I can you use it very well with default setting, but when I tried to design in Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere, I could still use it but it became improperly to write and read, whenever I tried to use for design something in Khmer, it could not be done properly, Can you guys help a bit about that? I have downloaded your files and I’ve got the same things happened.

    • Hi Sam,
      Most likely it is a font issue. Photoshop can use Khmer Unicode fonts (not all, but some) but Premiere cannot. And I assume Final Cut Pro cannot, but I have not personally tested it. Best to do a graphic in Photoshop and import that into Premiere.

  • hi do u know which fonts that can full support for excel on Mac, i have excel 2016 and the latest IOS

    • Nathan Wells
      April 5, 2017 7:44 pm

      You could try using the “Khmer Mondulkiri” font and see if that works – also normally fonts that begin with “Kh” (like “Kh Content”) work with Mac.

  • Seang Phuong
    March 27, 2017 4:59 pm

    Hey, Nathan. ​I got some typing problems with my excel. When I tried to type ជើងអក្សរ​ it does not come up as I what I want but it turn up to be separate letter. Can you help me with that. Thanks for your hard work!

  • នៅក្នុង​ Microsoft PowerPoint មិនបានបង្ហាញអក្សរត្រឹមត្រូវទេ!​​ តើត្រូវធ្វើដូម្តេច?

  • ខ្ញុំមានបញ្ហាអក្សរខ្មែរនៅក្នុងPowerpoint for mac អត់មានដៃ ជើង
    ប៉ុន្តែនៅក្នុងWord and Excel ដៃជើងចេញធម្មតា

  • ​បងខ្ញុំធ្វើរួចហើយ​​ ប៉ុន្តែដាក់ស្រះបាន​ តែដាក់ជើងអត់បាន​ទេ (powerpoint)

  • ខ្ញុំសាក់ល្បងប្រើនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធី video And photoshop
    មិនបានដំណើការល្អទេ សូមជួយរកផ្សេងទេៀត។

  • Hello, i have some issue below related to khmer unicode below:
    1. Khmer OS Siemreap not work properly on Microsoft office (most formal file was used khmer OS Siemreap) so i hardly to edit as those texted completely mess-up can’t read. so how to fix it?
    2. how to change the default font on Microsoft office (khmer font whenever we change keyboard)?
    3. Should i upgrade to OS X Yosemite? is it good for performance to my old Macbook pro mid 2009?

    Note: Now i’m using macbook pro mid 2009, on OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
    Microsoft office 2011

    • You can try using the font “Khmer Mondulkiri” and see if that solves your problem. But Microsoft has some issues with their automatic word breaking for Khmer that makes it useless. Try using LibreOffice instead.

  • I’ve had great success with this keyboard. However, when I tried to re-install it on a fresh install of MacOS, it won’t seem to work. It will install, then the next time I reboot, it disappears. Any advice?

  • Vann Chyvanorn
    June 13, 2018 12:55 pm

    នៅក្នុង​កម្មវិធី​ Adobe Photoshop នៅ​ធ្វើ Lyrics Song អត់មានព្យញ្ចន; ជើង​ តើគួរត្រូវធ្វើដូចម្ដេច?

  • Piseth Soeng
    July 27, 2018 9:56 am

    I has download but i don’t know how to install to my computer.
    Can anyone tell me how to install?

  • ប្រើExcel លើmac សរសេរ ខ្មែរយូនីកូដ អត់ដាក់ដៃជើងត្រឹមត្រូវ តែប្រើលើ office word (ok), បញ្ញាលើ powerpoint ដែរ។

  • khmer unicode in Excel on mac អត់បង្ហាញដៃជើង ត្រឹមត្រូវ។ មានfonts ណា រឺវិធីណាដោះស្រាយបានទេ។ ខ្ញុំព្យាយាម ប្ដូរfont ច្រើន ប៉ុន្ដែមិនអាច បង្ហាញត្រឹមត្រូវដដែល។
    ខ្ញុំប្រើ mac OS high Sierra “version 10.13.6”

  • បងសញ្ញា ចុចពីរ នៅឯណា?

  • Hi There!
    Thank you for your work hard for making Khmer Unicode fonts for Mac.
    It is great to use SBBIC keyboard to solve font between Mac and Windows.
    Just a little thing need help. I am using Mac OS sierra everything work fine with khmer fonts but only ” Text box in Excel” not fix with khmer unicode. Any idea Can you help me to solve this problem? Thank you in advance!!


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