
Want to help? There are many ways that you can partner with SBBIC.

Current Volunteers

Keith Taylor – Java programming for Khmer grammar checker

Mao Piseth – Translating SBBIC webpages

Special Thanks to Dave Jarvis of White Magic Software for use of his Word Split text segmentation tool and for his help in our search for a viable solution for Khmer word breaking

Oudam – Translating SBBIC webpages

Rith – proofreading the Khmer wordlist

SobenThe Immortal Khmer Language – proofreading the Khmer wordlist

WannaiCambo – proofreading the Khmer wordlist

RyanKhemara Times – provided Khmer documents for spelling checking tests

DannyColombara.org – provided Khmer documents for spelling checking tests

AlexABC Radio Australia – provided Khmer documents for spelling checking tests

Thank you!


Collecting Khmer grammatical rules

We need to collect Khmer grammatical rules to include in the Khmer grammar checker (http://sbbic.org/2010/12/04/sbbic-khmer-grammar-checker-using-languagetool).  If you are interested in helping, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page or put rules you have found in the comments on the grammar checker page.

Java Programming

We are in need a Java programmer to modify some scripts in the grammar checker to make it better suited for the Khmer language.  If you are interested please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

C++ Programming

We are in need a C++ programmer to help resolve some LibreOffice bugs that relate to the Khmer (and some minority) language. If you are interested, please contact us using the form at the end of this page.

Proofread the Khmer Spelling Checker Wordlist

Look through a list of about 2500 Khmer words and check the spelling (as well as separate words that should not be together). When all the volunteers finish proof reading the wordlist each of their smaller word lists that they were given will be combined into the whole wordlist and put up for download and use with the Open Office spelling checker. By volunteering to do this you will help speed up the process of producing a complete free Khmer spelling check dictionary for Open Office and other programs.
If you are interested please Contact Us

Send Us Documents in Khmer

We need to collect as many Khmer electronic documents as we can in order to help improve Khmer spelling checkers and line breakers. If you have any, and we mean ANY electronic documents (it doesn’t matter what font they are in, Limon, ABC, all of them are fine) send them to us so that we can break apart the words and insert them into a Khmer word list to be used by all those who create Khmer spelling checkers and nospace line breakers.

If you have any documents in Khmer help out by sending them to us

Translate SBBIC pages

We will be going through and translating the pages on this site into Khmer, but it is a slow process (and done as we have time). If you have some time and would like to help translate some pages on SBBIC into Khmer please contact us.

Add a SBBIC button to your web page

If you would like to help others to know about the SBBIC website put one of these buttons on your webpage:

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For light backgrounds:


Volunteer Contact Form

Currently we are looking for volunteers to:

  • Translate the English portion of our website into Khmer
  • Create a Plugin for Microsoft Word to allow the use of Hunspell dictionaries for spell checking (so we can spell check Khmer)
  • Programmers to help patch some bugs related to Khmer in LibreOffice

If you are interested, please contact us using the form below:

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