Free Khmer to English Dictionary Download

SBBIC’s free Khmer to English dictionary that includes more than 36,000 words and phrases to help you as you translate and learn Khmer and English! We switched platforms to the GoldenDict program since it allows us to import the data from our online dictionary resources at

If you have any issues or find errors please let us know in the comments (or you can login to and make the change yourself! For instructions on how to edit or add terms to the next release of this dictionary please visit:

We also bundled the Chuon Nath Khmer Dictionary so you can look up Khmer words and definitions as well.

All we ask is that you share this page via Facebook, Twitter or Google+


Download the Windows dictionary with the SBBIC English to Khmer Dictionary along with the Khmer Chuon Nath Dictionary here (unzip the file and run GoldenDict.exe):

Download and install the Mac dictionary with the SBBIC English to Khmer Dictionary with the Chuon Nath Khmer Dictionary by following these steps:

1) Share this page in order to Download a .zip file containing both dictionaries

2) Extract the .zip file onto your hard drive

3) Open the Dictionary App on your Mac Computer.

4) Click “File->Open Dictionaries Folder…”

5) Drag the extracted dictionary files you downloaded to the “Dictionaries Folder”

6) Re-start the Dictionary App

7) Open the Dictionary App “Preferences” and scroll down and Select the check box next to “SBBIC English to Khmer Dictionary” and “Chuon Nath Khmer Dictionary”

8) Use the dictionaries!

Or if you are on Linux, you can download both dictionaries in Babylon Dictionary format for use with GoldenDict or any other opensource dictionary app that supports Babylon format dictionaries.

Download the SBBIC English to Khmer Dictionary in Babylon format here:

Download Chuon Nath’s Dictionary in Babylon format here:

Download Khmer Dictionary, Free Khmer Download, Free Khmer to English Dictionary, khmer english dictionary

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • I downloaded file, but received a compressed (zipped) Folders Error which says: Windows cannon open folder. The compressed (zipped Folder ‘C:\Users\Mary Haag\Downloads\’ is invalid. What to do??

    • Nathan Wells
      July 15, 2015 5:07 am

      I would try re-downloading the dictionary again – sometimes downloads fail and are incomplete. If the problem persists after you try to download it again, please let us know.

  • Thank you so much. It is great.

  • hello, it says khmer to english dictionary but there is only english to khmer, is there a khmer to english dictionary to download to use with goldendict program?

    • You’re right – this was because the previous dictionary program we used allowed for reverse lookup. GoldenDict did not have this feature but it also worked on Linux and so we began using it. But there is a new version of GoldenDict that allows for reverse lookup you can download here for Windows:
      Then you can use it with our dictionaries. In the near future we will update our build of our dictionary to use this updated version of GoldenDict. Thank you!

  • Dear friend
    I can not install it on my pc (surface 2) and it runs window RT 8.1
    Paz help me as what you can
    Thanks q so much

  • Thanks for this awesome dictionary.


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