Want to use Khmer numbering for page numbers in InDesign? Download this script and place it in the InDesign scripts directory. When you run the script you should see a new paragraph style called “Khmer” which will use Khmer numbering if applied as the page numbering paragraph style. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments. Pleas see the introduction Below:
Download “Khmer Page Numbering Script for InDesign” Khmer-Page-Numbering-for-InDesign.zip – Downloaded 1242 times – 586.00 BNOTE: If you get an error when running the script – be sure you have the All Khmer Unicode Fonts from our website installed on your system here: Download All Khmer Unicode Fonts
1. Extract file downloaded
2. Log in Indesign then–Window>Utilities>Scripts(Alt+Ctrl+F11)
3. User>Reveal in Explorer
5. Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number(Alt+Shift+Ctrl+N)
6. It will not show in Khmer yet.
7. Select All — User > Khmer Page Numbering > Run Script8. Then — Paragraph Style > Khmer
9. Finally Reload your Indesign