Looking around for all the available Khmer Unicode fonts can be time consuming, so we have created this zip archive so that you can download all the known Khmer Unicode fonts all-in-one. Currently there are 152 Khmer fonts included. In the .zip file you will find a PDF with a preview of each font or you can view the preview below. This package is updated whenever we find more Khmer Unicode fonts. If you find a Khmer font that is not included, please let us know in in the comments and we will add it! Thanks!

Once you download the .zip file, unzip it and to install a font, select the font (or select multiple fonts), right-click and click on “Install”

Download “All Khmer Unicode Fonts” All-Khmer-Fonts-9-26-14.zip – Downloaded 229126 times – 29.00 MB


Preview of all Khmer fonts:
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