Optical character recognition software for the Khmer language. It is only trained for Limon R1 (you can try it with other fonts, but it might not be accurate). PAN Cambodia has since ceased to develop this software, but you can use it as is. Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic conversion of scanned or photographed images of typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded/computer-readable text (source: Wikipedia).

Download “KhmerOCR.zip” KhmerOCR.zip – Downloaded 8747 times – 27.42 MB

UPDATE (6-26-2014):

There are a few projects in the works concerning Khmer OCR:
  • A 1 year project funded by the World Bank for the Department of Computer Science of Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) to improve this software so that it is usable by public users. However, this project did not start yet. This project is expected to start in few months. After the end of this project, the software will be available for download.
  • A 2 year project between ITC and Open Institute to develop Khmer OCR software. This project too is expected to begin in few months.
(Thanks to Long Seangmeng for this information).