We’ve updated the SBBIC English to Khmer Dictionary to use the native Dictionary app on Mac OS and also added the Chuon Nath Khmer Dictionary so that you can have easy access to both. If you want to add terms or correct any errors in the English to Khmer Dictionary you can do so by following the instructions on this page. We welcome any corrections and additions so that this dictionary can become more and more useful to those translating as well as those interested in studying the English and Khmer language. This is not a traditional dictionary but includes many sentences as well as terms to aid in translation.

In order to install the English to Khmer Dictionary as well as the Chuon Nath Dictionary please follow these instructions:

1) Download a .zip file containing both dictionaries

Download “SBBIC Free English to Khmer Dictionary with Chuon Nath Dictionary for Mac” SBBIC-English-Khmer-and-Chuon-Nath-Mac-2.1.zip – Downloaded 7348 times – 21.70 MB

2) Extract the .zip file onto your hard drive

3) Open the Dictionary App on your Mac Computer.

4) Click “File->Open Dictionaries Folder…”

5) Drag the extracted dictionary files you downloaded to the “Dictionaries Folder”

6) Re-start the Dictionary App

7) Open the Dictionary App “Preferences” and scroll down and Select the check box next to “SBBIC English to Khmer Dictionary” and “Chuon Nath Khmer Dictionary”

8) Use the dictionaries!