Update: All Khmer Unicode Fonts Download

We just updated the “All-Khmer-Fonts” download package – it now includes 257 Khmer Unicode fonts! Download “All Khmer Unicode Fonts” All-Khmer-Fonts-9-26-15.zip – Downloaded 345724 times – 29.00 MB   Preview of all Khmer fonts: [scribd id=231290700 key=key-gNTxMdMSQBcdbJRTeCG1 mode=scroll]
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Usage of Diacritical Mark (ៈ)

Have you ever wonder when to use or not to use the diacritical mark (ៈ)? According to the book «កម្ពុជវេយ្យាករណ៍» authored by ខៀវ ជុំ in page 42-43 he said, ចំពោះ​ពាក្យ​បាលី​នឹង​សំស្ក្រឹត ដែល​មិន​មាន​ពាក្យ​ដទៃ​ភ្ជាប់​ខាង​ចុង គឺ​ពាក្យ​ដាច់​ពី​គ្នា​មួយ​បទៗ ត្រូវ​ប្រើ​យុគលពិន្ទុ ដូច «ថេរៈ គណៈ មរណៈ ព្យព្ជានៈ អវយវៈ» ពាក្យ​បាលីសំស្ក្រឹត​ដែល​នៅ​ខាង​ដើម​ព្យាង្គ​ក្នុង​បទ​មួយៗ ដូច «គណៈ មរណៈ» តួ «គ» នឹង «ម, រ» មិន​ត្រូវ​ប្រើ​យុគលពិន្ទុ​ទេ។ល។ តែ​បើ​មាន​ពាក្យ​ជាប់​គ្នា​ច្រើន​បទ​ដែល​ហៅ​ថា​បទសមាស* ធ្វើ​ឲ្យ​ព្យាង្គ​ដែល​ប្រើ​យុគលពិន្ទុ​នោះ មិន​មែន​ជា​ព្យាង្គ​ចុង មិន​ត្រូវ​ប្រើ​យុគលពិន្ទុ​ទេ​ដូច «ថេរសមាគម គណបតិ មរណភា» ជា​ដើម។ ត្រង់​នេះ​ត្រូវ​សង្កេត​ឲ្យ​ដឹង​ថា ពាក្យ​ណា​ជា​បទសមាស ពាក្យ​ណា​មិន​មែន​ជា​បទសមាស ដោយ​ល្អិតល្អន់​ដូច «គណបតិ» ពាក្យ​នេះ​ជា​មាស តែ​គណៈ​សង្ឃ​មិន​មែន​ជា​ពាក្យ​សមាស គឺ «គណ» ពាក្យ​មួយ «សង្ឃ» ពាក្យ​មួយ។  In page 64, he further wrote:តែ​បើ​មាន​ពាក្យ​មិនមែន​ជា​បទសមាស ជា​ពាក្យ​ដែល​មាន​ព្យាង្គ​ដោយ​ឡែក​ពី​គ្នា ត្រូវ​ចុច​កណ្ដាល ដូចជា គណៈមហានិកាយ គណៈធម្មយុត្តិ គណៈរដ្ឋមន្ត្រី ។ល។ *សមាស ( ន. ) [សៈម៉ាស ] ( សំ., បា. ) ការ​បង្រួម​ចូល; ការ​បំប្រួញ​ឲ្យ​ខ្លី, ឲ្យ​តិច​ចុះ, ឲ្យ​សង្ខេប ។ ព. វ. សព្ទ​តន្តិ​ភាសា​យ៉ាង​ដូច​បាលី​និង​សំស្ក្រឹត​ដែល​បំប្រួញ​បទ​តាំង​ពី​ពីរ​ឡើង​ទៅ​ឲ្យ​ជាប់​គ្នា​តែ​មួយ, ដូច​ជា : សមាន +…
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Khmer spelling checker for Microsoft Word

Khmer Spelling Checker for Microsoft Word

For many years people have asked if SBBIC had developed a Khmer spelling checker for Microsoft Word, and today we are pleased to announce that we have! Download our free Khmer Spelling Checker for Microsoft Word 2010-2013 today! IMPORTANT: There are two versions of the add-in based on your version of Microsoft Word. If you have Word 32-bit, download the 32-bit installer, and if you have Word 64-bit, download the 64-bit installer  In Office 2013 Open an Office 2013 program. Click File > Account. Under Office Updates, you can see the version, but to see both the version and platform, click…
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Confusion over the spelling of ឲ្យ or ឱ្យ

We’ve written about this before (Spelling Question), but today we discovered that in the first edition of Chuon Nath’s dictionary, he uses ឲ្យ as the head word rather than ឱ្យ as is currently placed as the head word in newer editions of his dictionary. It makes sense that Chuon Nath’s first edition would use ឲ្យ as the head word being that in all the examples throughout the dictionary, only ឲ្យ is used (outside of those times where it is stated that ឱ្យ can also be used). Here’s a screen shot of ឲ្យ as the head word in the first edition of Chuon…
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How to fix google rank after robot.txt error

How to Regain Google Ranking After Robots.txt Error

This post doesn’t relate to the Khmer language or books, but recently, when we launched our new site we accidentally used our beta site robots.txt file on our live site! Our beta site had a robots.txt with the following code: User-agent: * Disallow: / This was so that no search engine would add our beta site to its index. But when used on our live site, it had devastating results! Our daily average of search impressions from Google was around 2,000 before, but then it went all the way down to only 177 impressions! It basically killed our SEO and…
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Help Sponsor a Khmer Spelling Checker for Microsoft Word

SBBIC has been asked many times if we have a spelling checker for Microsoft Word. And we have always answered,  “No”. PAN Cambodia created an Addin for Microsoft Word some years back, but it was not opensource and it was slow and inaccurate (and doesn’t work with newer versions of Word). But we have some good news! SBBIC is currently working to develop a Khmer spelling checker for Microsoft Word but we need funds to higher a developer to create the addin using the Hunspell program and dictionary currently used for OpenOffice and LibreOffice. You can help us with the…
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Khmer OCR Software by PAN

Optical character recognition software for the Khmer language. It is only trained for Limon R1 (you can try it with other fonts, but it might not be accurate). PAN Cambodia has since ceased to develop this software, but you can use it as is. Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic conversion of scanned or photographed images of typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded/computer-readable text (source: Wikipedia). Download “KhmerOCR.zip” KhmerOCR.zip – Downloaded 13651 times – 27.42 MB UPDATE (6-26-2014): There are a few projects in the works concerning Khmer OCR: A 1 year project funded by…
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Download All Khmer Unicode Fonts

Looking around for all the available Khmer Unicode fonts can be time consuming, so we have created this zip archive so that you can download all the known Khmer Unicode fonts all-in-one. Currently there are 152 Khmer fonts included. In the .zip file you will find a PDF with a preview of each font or you can view the preview below. This package is updated whenever we find more Khmer Unicode fonts. If you find a Khmer font that is not included, please let us know in in the comments and we will add it! Thanks! Once you download the…
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Free English to Khmer Dictionary for Mac OSx Download

We’ve updated the SBBIC English to Khmer Dictionary to use the native Dictionary app on Mac OS and also added the Chuon Nath Khmer Dictionary so that you can have easy access to both. If you want to add terms or correct any errors in the English to Khmer Dictionary you can do so by following the instructions on this page. We welcome any corrections and additions so that this dictionary can become more and more useful to those translating as well as those interested in studying the English and Khmer language. This is not a traditional dictionary but includes many…
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How to add and edit terms in the SBBIC Khmer Dictionary

We’ve just added a tutorial to explain how you can collaborate with the SBBIC community by adding and editing terms in our Khmer to English dictionary. The data in this dictionary is then used in our offline opensource dictionary which can be downloaded for free (here: http://sbbic.org/2014/06/16/sbbic-khmer-english-dictionary/) View Tutorial
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