One of the issues with the current Khmer Unicode fonts is the English characters included do not look good (and this is understandable as they were not meant to be used as English fonts).  But for some, we use both English and Khmer, especially when it comes to a system user interface (like OpenOffice).  We recently combined the KhmerOS System font with Liberation Sans to create an appealing system font for both English and Khmer.  For instructions on how to use this font as your system font in OpenOffice please click here.

Download “SBBIC System Font” – Downloaded 7627 times – 157.79 KB

KhmerOS System Font
KhmerOS System Font
SBBIC System Font
SBBIC System Font

5 Comments. Leave new

  • ធ្វើបានល្អណាស់….. សង្ឃឺមថាតិចទៀតនឹងមានfont Hanuman combine with window 7 system font

  • Yes, that would be great Pizzy. Unfortunately, Microsoft holds tightly to the license on their system font Segoe UI, so unless Microsoft chooses to do the combination, it is illegal for us to do so. But we might look into doing another combination with a free English font (like Liberation Sans) and Hanuman since Hanuman was designed as a Khmer system UI font.

  • Timothy(Cambodia)
    April 12, 2011 10:38 am

    Tim ( Ly Chamraeun)

  • please tell me how to combine font Khmer with English font? because I want to combine Khmer font with and English font to use in my project that use it all, Thank you..


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