How to install Khmer Unicode on Windows 8

Having trouble viewing or typing Khmer Unicode with Windows 8? Here are some solutions: Download all known Khmer Unicode fonts and extract the .zip file and install them (right click and choose install on the font files): Download “All Khmer Unicode Fonts” – Downloaded 328672 times – 29.00 MB In order to type Khmer Unicode you need a Khmer keyboard installed. Use the SBBIC Khmer Unicode Keyboard installer (works for 32-bit and 64-bit systems). Also we’ve included the – and : characters (Right ALT + D for the – and Right ALT + L for :): Download “SBBIC Keyboard…
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FIX: Khmer Unicode Doesn’t Display Correctly in Firefox

Do you have a problem viewing Khmer text in Firefox? Want to know how to make Khmer Unicode display correctly in Firefox? It’s easy! First open Firefox (we are using version 29 for this tutorial). Then click on the menu button in the top right corner of your screen and then click “Options”: Then click on “Advanced”: Then choose “Khmer: in the drop-down list of languages: Then choose your favorite Khmer Unicode fonts as the default fonts for each style (you can use the same font for all the styles if you want): Then click OK:   That’s all! Now Khmer…
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Fix Khmer Unicode Typing in Ubuntu 11.x

Currently Ubuntu 11.x does not allow for all Khmer vowels to be correctly typed.  If you’ve had trouble typing Khmer in Ubuntu, try this solution and see if it works – it should allow the NiDA keyboard that comes with Ubuntu to be fully used. Here’s how it can be fixed: 1. Type sudo gedit /etc/environment 2. Add a line GTK_IM_MODULE=xim 3. Save and close. 4.Then in terminal type: sudo gedit /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose 5. Gedit should open, search for Khmer and make sure the following exists (if not, copy and paste it in): # # Khmer digraphs # <U17ff> : “ាំ”…
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Fix Khmer Unicode Display Problem in OpenOffice

  Are Khmer Unicode characters displaying incorrectly in OpenOffice?  When you use a Khmer spelling checker do squares show up intermingled with Khmer script?  The problem is the default GUI font does not contain all the characters of the Khmer Script. 1) To fix the display problem go to Tools>Options…>OpenOffice .org>View and uncheck “Use system font for interface”. 2) Then go to Tools>Options…>OpenOffice .org>Fonts and check “Apply replacement table”. Type “Andale Sans UI” in the box under “Font” (it isn’t in the list) and then select a font that contains a full Khmer character set under “Replace with” (we recommend…
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Fix Khmer Unicode Display Problem in OpenOffice | ដោះស្រាយបញ្ហា ការ​បង្ហាញ​ពុម្ពអក្សរ​យូនីកូដ​ខ្មែរ នៅក្នុង OpenOffice

Are Khmer Unicode characters displaying incorrectly in OpenOffice?  When you use a Khmer spelling checker do squares show up intermingled with Khmer script?  The problem is the default GUI font does not contain all the characters of the Khmer Script. 1) To fix the display problem go to Tools>Options…>OpenOffice .org>View and uncheck “Use system font for interface”. 2) Then go to Tools>Options…>OpenOffice .org>Fonts and check “Apply replacement table”. Type “Andale Sans UI” in the box under “Font” (it isn’t in the list) and then select a font that contains a full Khmer character set under “Replace with” (we recommend using…
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How to Install Khmer Unicode on Windows 7

Actually Khmer Unicode does not need to be installed on Windows 7.  Without making any changes any text you view in Khmer will appear, but will be mostly unreadable because of its small size. Here is a sample of what Khmer Unicode looks like in Windows 7 when you look on a website (in this case before any changes are made: Also, title bars are difficult to read: So how do we make it so that Windows 7 will display Khmer Unicode correctly and allow you to type in Khmer? First, download this collection of Khmer Unicode fonts (we…
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How to Install Khmer Unicode on Windows 7 | របៀប​ដំឡើង ពុម្ពអក្សរ​យូនីកូដខ្មែរ លើ Windows 7:

Actually Khmer Unicode does not need to be installed on Windows 7.  Without making any changes any text you view in Khmer will appear, but will be mostly unreadable because of its small size. Here is a sample of what Khmer Unicode looks like in Windows 7 when you look on a website (in this case before any changes are made: Also, title bars are difficult to read: So how do we make it so that Windows 7 will display Khmer Unicode correctly and allow you to type in Khmer? First, download this collection of Khmer Unicode fonts (we…
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Using Khmer Unicode Fonts With The Mac

1. Download the khmer Unicode fonts ( 2. Add the Khmer Unicode keyboard (system preferences-international-input menu) 3. Install X11 (a graphical unix interface) – this comes with OSX Tiger on the set-up disk. If they have an earlier OSX system, they can download it off the Apple website (but it’s 41MB) You run X11 by going to applications-utilities-X11 and need to have it running it before you install openoffice 4. Install OpenOffice (downloadable from their website – 130MB!!!) 5. Install “fondue” if you want other non-ttf fonts besides the system fonts that come with open office ( 6. Otherwise you…
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How to Install Khmer Unicode on your Windows XP Computer

This tutorial will walk you through the process of enabling Khmer Unicode on your Windows XP computer (if you need help installing Khmer Unicode on Windows 7 click here). First download  Khmer Unicode Installer for Windows XP and then run the file – when you do you should see something like the following: Now click the “Next >” button as shown in the picture. Click the “Next >” again (if a box telling you that the directory does not exist pops up, just tell it to create the directory). Now click “Exit” (it is possible the “Windows File Protection” box…
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