SBBIC Khmer to English Dictionary

SBBIC’s free Khmer to English dictionary that includes more than 36,000 words and phrases to help you as you translate and learn Khmer and English! We switched platforms to the GoldenDict program since it allows us to import the data from our online dictionary resources at If you have any issues or find errors please let us know in the comments (or you can login to and make the change yourself! For instructions on how to edit or add terms to the next release of this dictionary please visit: We also bundled the Chuon Nath Khmer Dictionary so you can look up…
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Khmer Online Dictionary (KOD)

Part of the TovNah website, this online dictionary combines many sources of Khmer and English translation sources into one, including Khmer proverb translations.  It also includes a picture dictionary that can be very helpful. Visit:
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វចនានុក្រម​ខ្មែរ​​​​អេឡិចត្រូនិច​​​នែសម្តេច ជូន​ ណាត

Download the Chuon Nath Dictionary for Khmer for PC in unicode. This is a great resource, and is official.  It works with both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows based systems and is Java based so should be multi-platform (Windows and Linux, but supposedly not with Mac yet). Download it here:  Download “Electronic Unicode Chuon Nath Dictionary” 8mrhncoul4 – Downloaded 5419 times –
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វចនានុក្រម ខែ្មរយូនីកូដ និងអង់គ្លេសរបស់​ស.ស.ឈ.ន.ក

SBBIC’s free English Khmer dictionary that includes more than 36,000 words and phrases to help you as you translate and learn Khmer and English! We switched platforms to the GoldenDict program since it allows us to import the data from our online dictionary resources at The program is portable for Windows and Mac (Linux coming soon) so just download the file and unzip (for Windows) or mount the dmg file (for Macs) it and start using it! If you have any issues or find errors please let us know in the comments (or you can login to and make the change yourself! For instructions…
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Lexique Pro

Make your own Khmer Unicode dictionary with this program by importing the knowledge base file from Adapt It or by entering in data by yourself. Khmer Unicode is supported if you configure the program correctly. You can download this program from its homepage. Visit:
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