Khmer Bible software – while it is not in unicode, and from what we can tell, not searchable, it still is a very useful tool. It was created by Sam Oeun Visal from
Download “Khmer Holy Bible” – Downloaded 9092 times – 18.46 MBIf this program does not work, you can view the Khmer Bible online at these sites:
- The Khmer Standard Version (2005) can be viewed here:
- And the Khmer Hammond Version can be viewed here:
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33 Comments. Leave new
Hello SBBIC, I was visiting you website it is very good that you can
post my Khmer Bible Software into you website but I want to give you
my recommend that you should to put the name of the publisher of Khmer
Bible Software into your website and if can, you should to link website
that the Khmer Bible Soft has posted into the website: / directly because
it is not confuse for users that they think that this software is your.
Thanks for using our product.
Sam Oeun Visal, Pastor
Khmer Bible software Producer
Hi Visal,
Yes, previously we hosted the file because your web-server went down, but I have changed the links to direct everyone to download it from your site.
If you have a copy rights it is appreciate.Your produce it good If this product has not copy right or don’t have any right for you ,it is against the Law and facing with the Law you.Cambodia is a member of WTO required anything exist must be abide with Law of Cambodia .Against the Law, it is hurt yourself.thank to spend your time to hear my comment ! dr Som
Hello Dr. Som,
Thanks for your concern. We didn’t create this program, but I assume Sam had permission. Thank you!
Download here for a new version (for PC and Phone):
Hi Nathan,
Thanks for replying and cooperation for our Kingdom of God.
Please continue to pray for us because nowadays we are
updating for our Khmer Bible Soft to the new version.
Yours in Christ,
Brother Visal,
God bless you for your hard work to glorify our Lord through Khmer Bible software.
For His Kingdom
i want know more than more about bible.
Dear sir
Thank you for your good jobs for doing khmer Bible. It’s very useful and good for me to study Bible.
May God bless u
thank you very much, good!
Hard working ! May God, Our Lord bless Khmer throught your work
And also bless you ! Thank you !
Dear Khmer Bible Electronic Users,
Thanks for praying for The Khmer Bible Electronic now we nearlly finished the new version 4 of the Khmer Bible Electronic. You can find in this website and please continue to pray for us more and more…
Khmer Bbile Electronic Producer
Hello Visal,
Your link no longer works – do you have a new one?
Dear Nathan and All Khmer Bible Electronic Users,
Sorry for replying you late because we are updating our website so that some of our page are error. I will let you know when we are finished. You can contact me by this email: [email protected] because it is directly to me to easy reply to all of you… 🙂
Other hand, please continue to pray for us for updating the New Version of our Khmer Bible Electronic.
Regards & Blessings,
This Bible software can’t be downloaded! Please check it the error.
Yes, the author’s links no longer work – I have tried to contact him but so far he has not responded. We will put up a new link when we get it. In the mean time, you can download an old version here:
Thanks Nathan, good idea.
សូមជួយរកពាក្យថា ស្រវឹងចេញពីគម្ពីរឲ្យខ្ញុំផង។សូមជួយបំពេញវចនានុក្រមព្រះគម្ពីរអោយ
បានពាក្យច្រើនជាងនេះខ្ញុំបានរកពាក្យខ្លះតែមិនមានទេ។សូមព្រះជាម្ចាស់នែយើងបានប្រទានពរដល់អ្នក។ ពីដៀបប៊ុនហាន
You can download here:
Download here for a new version (for PC and Phone):
hi how are you i want 2 say that i love Jesus
តើលោកមានProgramព្រះគម្ពីរខ្មែរសំរាប់ទូរស័ព្វដៃដែរឺទេ? ខ្ញុំសុំបានទេ?
Sorry, at this time, the full Bible does not exist – you can download a new version for Sword here:
You can download here:
Hi Brother, I just finish install this soft and when I try to open its, its say Fail to load control “imageList”….
because I got a window 8.1 ver. if you could update that would be excellent.
thanks and God bless.
You can download here:
Hi..i need old version of khmer bible for bible study,where can i download for the phone?.thx
You can download here:
Sir, your efforts are highly appreciated. This would be a great help not just to me but as well for our media at church. May the LORD bless every work of your hands. Bless God!
Khmer Font
I cannot find the location for download Khmer Bible Setup .
I cannot download Khmer Bible for computer (Windows 10)