Download the Khmer language interface pack for Microsoft Office 2007 which enables all the menu’s in Office to be in Khmer.  It looks like there are still some bugs to be worked out, but hopefully with more people using it those problems can be worked out.  Thanks to Tim Boeun for posting this on his blog. Download: Microsoft Office Khmer Language Interface Pack 2007

7 Comments. Leave new

  • toi mung duoc chuong trinh nay

  • Please make as small as English Display. I can’t click on OK or CANCEL when it is in Khmer as it is too big that I can’t see it. On Linux Khmer show well even using Khmer OS System. I like it but please sort out the debugs. One more thing that I want to request is to make Khmer word be correct and right to English Meaning. Some of the words that use are not familiar to English at all. Can you use all the translation from Khmer OS or NiDA? The Cambodian government have paid money to those people to work out all these vocabulaies, but why need to form others? In windows 7 still have lots of words that is not right to the meaning at all. Please recheck and correct them.

    Sincerely yours,


    • Yes, there are still many issues with the Microsoft language pack. I would recommend you keep a record of all the issues and then send an e-mail directly to Microsoft (you can send them to us as well and we will post them to try and get Microsoft to change them as well). Thanks!

  • សុខខេង
    December 6, 2010 6:25 am

    ខ្ញុំមិនអាចចុចលើពាក្យ ok រឺ cancel បានទេ សូមជួយពិនិត្យ សំរាប់គំរោង office ជាភាសាខ្មែរ។

  • វាជារឿងល្អមួយសំរាប់ Khmer នៅក្នុងMicrosoft Office 2007

  • bible is good


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