Check out “អក្សរយើង” (Our Fonts) a website dedicated to Khmer Unicode Fonts. A very good place to find new fonts and see how they look before you install them.

VISIT:  “អក្សរយើង” (Our Fonts)

7 Comments. Leave new

  • Dear SBBIC,
    I have gone throuth your pages in Khmer language and I found the date seems changed alot. Please review and give the right one. For exaple: ថ្ងៃទី …ខែ១៩ ឆ្នាំ ២៩១២….
    Cham Fonts

    • Thanks Abu,
      The plugin we use to translate the site into Khmer is broken – we are trying to find a solution that will work. Thank you for letting us know!

  • Thank you for this link!

  • 2014-07-15 at 8.54.32 AM.png
    I have problem with Excel type khmer not complete,but word is complete. I don’t know what problem. Who knew this problem tell me,please. Thank you advance.

    • Nathan Wells
      July 15, 2014 4:57 pm

      Can you give an example so we can try to see the problem? Please give specific steps to reproduce the problem you are having in Excel as well as what version of Windows and Excel you are using. Thanks!


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